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American Health Care Act: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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The Republican health care bill could leave many Americans without affordable coverage. Last Week Tonight’s catheter cowboy returns to morning cable news to explain that to Donald Trump.

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GW Pharmaceuticals CEO: Defining CBD and THC-based Drugs | Mad Money | CNBC

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GW Pharmaceuticals CEO: Defining CBD and THC-based Drugs | Mad Money | CNBC

GW Pharmaceuticals launched its first commercial drug in the U.S. last November. Jim Cramer talks with CEO Justin Gover to clear the air between CBD and marijuana-based medications.
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GW Pharmaceuticals CEO: Defining CBD and THC-based Drugs | Mad Money | CNBC
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Best Protein Powders in 2018 – Gain Muscle & Lose Fat!

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Best Protein Powders in 2018 - Gain Muscle & Lose Fat!

► Links to the Protein Powders listed in this video:

► 5. Cellucor Cor-Performance –
► 4. MuscleTech PHASE8 –
► 3. Dymatize ISO 100 –
► 2. MusclePharm Combat –
► 1. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard –
►UK Links◄
► 5. Cellucor Cor-Performance – N/A
► 4. MuscleTech PHASE8 –
► 3. Dymatize ISO 100 –
► 2. MusclePharm Combat –
► 1. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard –
►GER & EU Links◄
► 5. Cellucor Cor-Performance – N/A
► 4. MuscleTech PHASE8 –
► 3. Dymatize ISO 100 –
► 2. MusclePharm Combat –
► 1. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard –

In this video, we listed the top 5 best protein powders available in the market in 2018. I made this list based on my personal opinion, and i tried to list them based on their price, quality, effectiveness and more.

Since summer is approaching, I’ve had a lot of people sending me messages for making a video about protein powders, so I decided to dedicate today’s upload to protein powders. Protein Powders can be really helpful if you want to gain muscle and lose fat because they can help you with your nutrition and balancing your diet.

Thank you for watching guys, i hope you liked this video. If this video helped you, please make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this in the future, and if you have any questions related to them, please leave a comment down below and i will get back to you as soon as i can!

Before you use any of these protein powders, please make sure you check with your doctors if you have any allergies with them because some people can have side effects from using protein powders.

– Disclaimer
Some of the footage used in this video is not original content produced by 10BestOnes. Portions of stock footage of products was gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at 10bestones[at]
Video Rating: / 5

Despite protein powder (or “protein shakes”) being by far the most widely consumed supplement within the fitness industry, most people are lost when it comes to how to choose the best type of protein and even moreso when it comes to how to best use protein powder to build muscle. In this video, I’ll cover everything you need to know about protein.

First off, let’s discuss the best type of protein. Although there’s several types of protein out there (whey protein, casein protein, plant-based protein, egg protein, hemp protein, vegan protein, pea protein, etc.) research shows that whey protein and casein protein are the two best options in terms of essential amino acid content and elevating protein synthesis. Whey is a fast-digesting protein whereas Casein is a slow-digesting protein. Research shows that Whey protein powder is superior to Casein protein powder and also has a slightly higher leucine content, so I’d stick with Whey – and more specifically, I’d stick with Whey isolate protein since it’s the purest form of Whey protein and contains the least lactose (if that’s an issue for you). However, as you’ll see, Casein does have a special application as well which you might want to consider. As for plant-based protein powders, although they spike protein synthesis to a smaller degree as animal-based protein powders do, this can be mitigated by ingesting a greater amount of plant protein powder and/or ensuring you get enough essential amino acids through your diet.

Next, when it comes to when to take it, most people think you have to take your protein shake immediately post-workout. But, research shows that it depends on whether or not you’re in a fed or fasted state. If you’ve had protein prior to your workout, a post-workout protein shake isn’t necessary and you can take it at anytime. Whereas if you worked out fasted, having it immediately post-workout is ideal. And if you haven’t eaten before the gym yet, then research suggests taking your Whey protein shake before your workout is the better option when compared to after.

As for how much to take, sticking to around 20-25g is enough to maximize protein synthesis – with 40g eliciting a slightly higher response. And as for how often to take it, you can take it daily (workout or not) to help you reach you goal daily protein intake.

Lastly, when it comes to what to take it with, although co-ingestion of protein powder with carbs and/or fats does slow down digestion, it does not affect protein synthesis rates. Thus meaning you can take it with whatever you’d prefer. With that being said, taking your protein powder with dairy milk when bulking and taking it with almond milk or water when cutting is a good option to help you easily increase/decrease your calorie intake.

Hope this helps!






Whey and casein best:
Whey beats casein:
Plant protein:
When to take it:
Casein before bed:
20-25g protein:
40 vs 20g protein:
What to take it with:

Health Care is a Mess… But Why?

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You probably know a couple who both work full time to support their children, but even with their dual incomes, they’re finding it more and more difficult to afford health insurance. Everyday incidents like sports injuries, asthma, and blood pressure, combined with their anxiety over rising premiums, are turning their American dream into sleepless nights. Why can’t people catch a break? It wasn’t always this way!

Check out the transcript of this episode aind out more about how we got here at FEE:

And download FEE’s new Essential Guide to Health Care Reform:

Written by Seamus Coughlin & Sean Malone
Animated by Seamus Coughlin

Special thanks to Michael Cannon.
Video Rating: / 5

Data Integrity in Pharmaceuticals

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Data Integrity in Pharmaceuticals

Data integrity in pharmaceuticals plays an important role in the quality of production. USFDA inspectors focus on data integrity in the manufacturing facility.
#Pharmaguideline provides all pharma information and #pharmaceutical guidelines including information about testing procedures of quality control, calibration, reagents and solutions, glassware and good laboratory practices (GLP), audit checklists of all departments for QA professionals.
It also covers quality assurance topics such as change control, deviations, market complaints, process validation, cleaning validation cGMP and other pharma documentation and guideline. A fresher in the pharma field can get all latest information about GMP guidelines for QA, QC, Production and Microbiology.
Pharmaceutical Guidelines App provides all recent pharma news updates from the world with the alert for free.
New articles are added every day to enhance the knowledge of pharmaceutical professionals. All pharmaceutical stuff can be found in one place. About 2500 topics have been covered to date and counting.
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Quality by Design (QbD) is a hot topic in the pharmaceutical industry, heavily promoted by the FDA. However, these tools should be used by every industry interested in producing high-quality products. The general concepts are not new, but the tools to implement them have dramatically improved in the last few years. This presentation provides a briefing on QbD along with state-of-the-art response surface methods (RSMs) for developing a robust design space.

Ek Baar aujaar pe ghee lgakar karo fayda dekhkar hindi health care healthy lifestyle

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Language for Health aims to develop, integrate, and promote Hindi-Urdu language learning specifically for the healthcare profession. This site provides resources and opportunities to develop communication skills in Hindi-Urdu as it is currently used in the context of healthcare and medicine. Simultaneously, we aim to expand the training of overall language skills at the advanced level in a comprehensive and innovative manner. We have designed and developed a package of educational materials with training and pedagogical guidelines for students entering the field of medicine, as well as for established medical professionals. The learning units presented here are designed with the goal of practicing language at the Advanced and Superior levels.

#hindihealthtips #hindihealth #tipshealth #tipsinhindi

वाले मसाले, अनाजों तथा अन्य सामग्री का भंडारण भी सही तरीके से करें तथा एक्सपायरी डेट वाली वस्तुओं पर तारीख देखने का ध्यान रखें।

* बहुत ज्यादा तेल, मसालों से बने, बैक्ड तथा गरिष्ठ भोजन का उपयोग न करें। खाने को सही तापमान पर पकाएं और ज्यादा पकाकर सब्जियों आदि के पौष्टिक तत्व नष्ट न करें। साथ ही ओवन का प्रयोग करते समय तापमान का खास ध्यान रखें। भोज्य पदार्थों को हमेशा ढंककर रखें और ताजा भोजन खाएं।
* खाने में सलाद, दही, दूध, दलिया, हरी सब्जियों, साबुत दाल-अनाज आदि का प्रयोग अवश्य करें। कोशिश करें कि आपकी प्लेट में ‘वैरायटी ऑफ फूड’ शामिल हो। खाना पकाने तथा पीने के लिए साफ पानी का उपयोग करें। सब्जियों तथा फलों को अच्छी तरह धोकर प्रयोग में लाएं।

* खाना पकाने के लिए अनसैचुरेटेड वेजिटेबल ऑइल (जैसे सोयाबीन, सनफ्लॉवर, मक्का या ऑलिव ऑइल) के प्रयोग को प्राथमिकता दें। खाने में शकर तथा नमक दोनों की मात्रा का प्रयोग कम से कम करें। जंकफूड, सॉफ्ट ड्रिंक तथा आर्टिफिशियल शकर से बने ज्यूस आदि का उपयोग न करें। कोशिश करें कि रात का खाना आठ बजे तक हो और यह भोजन हल्का-फुल्का हो।
* अपने विश्राम करने या सोने के कमरे को साफ-सुथरा, हवादार और खुला-खुला रखें। चादरें, तकियों के गिलाफ तथा पर्दों को बदलती रहें तथा मैट्रेस या गद्दों को भी समय-समय पर धूप दिखाकर झटकारें।

* मेडिटेशन, योगा या ध्यान का प्रयोग एकाग्रता बढ़ाने तथा तनाव से दूर रहने के लिए करें।

सम्बंधित जानकारी
ठंडे मौसम का गर्म फैशन
लक्ष्य पूरा होने में अभी समय
ठंड आते ही गराडू की माँग बढ़ी
नहीं चमकी ठंड
लुढ़कने के बजाय बढ़ रहा है तापमान
Video Rating: / 5

If you get sick or suffer a serious injury, you not only want medical care, you want quality medical care. What’s the best way to get it? Through a government-run program like Medicare for All or through our current free market system? Stanford policy expert Lanhee Chen has the answer in this video from Prager University. Get informed. After all, this is your health we’re talking about.
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It’s very easy for a politician to stand up before voters and say, “Health care is a right,” and then passionately advocate for “single-payer” or “free health care” or “Medicare for All”—whatever term they might use.

But before we consider the merits of the government managing your health care—and that’s what this all boils down to—maybe we should ask a more basic question:

What do we mean by “health care”?

Because if you get sick—and here, we’re talking major illness—or you’re in serious pain, you don’t just want health care; you want quality health care.

And where is your best chance of finding that?

The answer is right here in America.

For skilled doctors, cutting-edge medical treatments, and care without long delays, no other country rivals the United States. Not even close. Nobody from Texas is going to Canada for medical treatment. It’s almost always the other way around.

Sure, our health care system has lots of issues—and we should address them—but do we really want to upend all the advantages that we do have and start from scratch? Because that’s what would have to happen if we completely turn health care over to the government.

So, let’s imagine we make the change. We hear a lot about how great free health care would be, but it’s only fair we look at the downside.

The first is that government-run health care takes medical decisions away from patients—that means you—and puts them in the hands of bureaucrats. They decide, for example, how many MRI machines are going to be available, or under what conditions you can get back surgery or a bypass, or even whether you qualify for cancer treatment.

That’s how it works in the United Kingdom under its single-payer system. Because it has finite resources, the National Health Service, or NHS, sharply restricts access to treatments like hip and knee replacements, cataract surgery, and even prescription drugs to deal with common conditions like arthritis and diabetes. If you suffer from any of these ailments and many others in the UK, you may just have to live with the pain.

And let’s hope you don’t have a medical emergency.

In a January 2018 article in the New York Times, patients in emergency rooms around London are described as having “to wait 12 hours before they are tended to. Corridors are jammed with beds carrying [the] frail and elderly.” To deal with the situation, “hospitals [were] ordered to postpone non-urgent surgeries until the end of the month.” That hardly seems like an improvement over what we have in the US.

For the complete script, visit

Saffron Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

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Saffron Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.
Official Documentary

WATCH LIVE: Top pharmaceutical executives testify before the Senate Finance Committee on drug prices

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When it comes to Pharmaceutical industry, India has big brands on its name. Here is a list of 10 best pharmaceutical companies in India.

1. Cipla Limited
2. Sun Pharmaceuticals Limited
3. Abbott India Limited
4. Lupin Limited
5. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
6. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited
7. Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited
8. Biocon Limited
9. Aurobindo Pharma Limited
10. Alkem Laboratories Limited

Do let me know in the comment section, what you would like to see next.
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Nutritional Supplements : Side Effects of Taking Fish Oil Supplements

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The side effects of taking fish oil supplements include fishy burps, upset stomach, diarrhea and possible interaction with prescription blood thinners. Consult a doctor before starting a regimen of fish oil supplements using advice from a licensed dietitian in this free video on nutritional supplements.

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Fish oil is very beneficial to making sure that you’re eating a balanced diet. Find out if you take fish oil before, after or during a meal with help from a health and fitness professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Natalie Jill
Filmmaker: Rudi Rose

Series Description: A large part of fitness is making sure that you’re only putting healthy foods into your body. Get tips on fitness and living a healthy lifestyle with help from a health and fitness professional in this free video series.

The Real Reason WWE Won’t Pay Its Wrestlers Healthcare

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Death, Taxes & Vince McMahon. This is the real reason WWE won’t pay its wrestlers healthcare.

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So you want to improve the quality of health care. But what, specifically, should you aim to improve? In this video, IHIs Former CEO Don Berwick describes a 2001 report by the Institute of Medicine, Crossing the Quality Chasm, that laid the foundation for health care reform all over the world.

To view the rest of our content and find out how you can get involved, visit our website at Copyright © 2012 Institute for Healthcare Improvement
All rights reserved. Individuals may share these materials for educational, not-for-profit uses, provided that the contents are not altered in any way and that proper attribution is given to IHI as the source of the content. These materials may not be reproduced for commercial, for-profit use in any form or by any means, or republished under any circumstances, without the written permission of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.