Archive for the 'supplements' Category

University of Michigan Essays (YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE!!)

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University of Michigan Essays (YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE!!)// University of Michigan essays have it all, and this video is the University of Michigan essays your one stop guide to ace this application. My favorite is the University of Michigan community essay because it asks students to talk about their identity while also defining what community means to them. The UMich community essay can be about pretty much any community you belong to but this University of Michigan essay should focus on your contributions. Umich essays also ask the why us prompts. For these U Michigan supplemental essays, you want to focus on how you see yourself living and learning at their institution. How to write the umich supplemental essays is the guide you will receive in this video. As a college essay coach, I work with students on how to write umich essays, and the umich essay prompts are my favorite because once you write these you can use them to recycle content for so many other schools.

Remember, the Michigan supplemental essays focus on you, who you are to others within community and why Michigan. The University of Michigan also places a lot of emphasis on the common app essay. This essay should be complementary to the why this college essay and community; however, make sure to craft a why us college essay that showcases a little of you and a little of them. Your supplemental essays should really have a lot of research backing them. Michigan supplemental essays and the why umich essay, in particular, is asking students to go beyond the Wolverine brand and tell them why they are the best fit for you. Take your time writing the university of Michigan supplemental essays, and if you want expert guidance reach out to Write Your Acceptance!


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Are Supplements Interfering With Your Medicine?

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As herbal supplements gain in popularity, medical researchers are studying the interactions and side effects supplements have on prescription medications. WSJ’s Laura Landro joins Tanya Rivero to discuss. Photo: Corbis

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Are Vitamins And Supplements Beneficial? What A New Study Shows

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Millions of people swear by vitamin and mineral supplements, but a new massive report may have consumers thinking twice before refilling their next bottle. NBC’s senior consumer investigative correspondent Vicky Nguyen reports for TODAY on whether or not you really need daily supplements. 

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#Health #Vitamins #Supplements
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This Synthetic Vitamin is Linked to Causing Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Risk & Osteoporosis

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This EVERYDAY use vitamin might be making you sick and even causing your body to develop heart disease, decreased bone mass, elevated cholesterol levels as well as even cancer of the breast, lung, colon, and prostate.

Sadly this vitamin is still being manufactured. Alpha-tocopherol. (A-tocopherol) is the synthetic version of Vitamin E. It’s everywhere! Please look in all your supplements and nutrient-dense powders, drinks, and foods.

A healthier alternative to Vitamin E is tocotrienol.

My fave alternatives are:
Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols 125mg
Annatto Tocotrienol

Curious about the research?

Skin Cancer:

Pancreatic cancer:

Stroke Risk ( study on men)


Heart Health (atherosclerosis)

Digestive Cancers:


Liver disease

Synthetic vs non-synthetic version (pig study)

Lack of synthetic alpha-tocopherol bioavailability (pig study)

Lack of cell membrane protection

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Melissa @ Natural Health Resources.Com

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One Texas woman says she almost died after taking a daily supplement. Emily’s friend suggested a supplement to help her acne-prone skin. She took the supplement for 10 months before experiencing stomach pain, fatigue, and the yellowing of her eyes. After being admitted to the hospital she was diagnosed with acute liver failure. Was the supplement to blame? Gastroenterologist Dr. Su Sacher weighs in.

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The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.

Do Vitamins Break a Fast? Supplements and Intermittent Fasting

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Do Vitamins Break a Fast? Supplements and Intermittent Fasting

Study – Rejuvenation Research

To understand how fasting might make cells stronger, researchers recruited 24 people and asked them to practice an intermittent fasting diet for two three-week periods

The study was designed as a 10-week double-crossover trial, consisting of two 3-week treatment periods – IF and IF with antioxidant supplementation

Each 3-week treatment period was preceded by a 1-week pre-conditioning period used to establish baseline caloric intake and to acclimate the participants to study-provided food.

During the first fasting period, participants ate a specially calibrated diet and during the second three week period, they ate that diet and took oral supplements of Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Because researchers just wanted to focus on how intermittent fasting affected cells, and not weight loss, participants ate 175% of their normal daily calorie intake on feasting days, and 25% of their normal daily intake on fasting days to prevent weight loss

They ate typical American food – things like pasta, chicken, sandwiches and desserts like ice cream, and took samples of blood before they started and just after they ended the diet so they could compare levels of byproducts of oxidative stress and markers of strong cell functioning

During the first three week period researchers attempted to see if fasting would increase oxidative stress (free radicals) in each person’s cells and to see if this stress actually led to stronger, more resilient cells

Looked to see if taking antioxidants in the second fasting period would block the free radicals caused by the fasting, preventing the cells from becoming more resilient

In other words, they wanted to know if Vitamin C and E would shelter the cells to the point that they wouldn’t be ready to stand up for themselves later on


Found that in response to fasting every other day, the cells made more copies of a gene called SIRT3, which is part of a pathway that works to prevent free radical production and improve cellular repair processes

Specifically, there was a 2.7% increase in SIRT3 expression due to the IF diet, but no change in expression of other genes or oxidative stress markers analyzed

Also found a significant decrease in levels of circulating insulin, a sign that the participants bodies were more responsive to this hormone

One surprising finding is that when participants took daily oral supplements of Vitamin C and E, the benefits from fasting disappeared

It seems that because the cells were relatively sheltered from experiencing any oxidative stress that may have been caused by fasting every other day, they didn’t respond by increasing their natural defenses and improving their sensitivity to insulin and other stress signals

This suggests that low levels of environmental stress from things like fasting are actually good for our bodies, and that antioxidant supplements, while potentially good at certain times, might actually prevent our normal healthy cellular responses in other situations

Antioxidants & Autophagy

In turns out that some level of ROS production is required for the normal regulation of autophagy as well

A team of researchers at the University of Cambridge explored the relationship between autophagy and the production or reactive oxidative species

They found that it is possible to induce autophagy without increasing toxic ROS and that some antioxidants reduce autophagy

They looked at two types of non-HD cells (HeLa and COS-7 renal cells), adding rapamycin, an antibiotic, and trehalose, a sugar, both of which have been shown to induce autophagy

Each increased autophagy but neither increased ROS.
Next they looked at the effect of various antioxidants on autophagy in the COS-7 renal cells.

Autophagy was measured by levels of LC3-II, a marker for autophagosome formation and autophagosome-lysosome fusion

They looked at N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), cystamine (in the pipeline as a potential HD treatment), and glutathione

All three impaired the induction of autophagy by trehalose in a dose dependent manner – they also looked at the effect of NAC and cystamine on rapamycin induced autophagy and on basal (normal, not induced levels of) autophagy and got similar results.

Also found that vitamin E impaired autophagy as well


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Will V-Shred's B.S Ever End? (SculptNation "TestBoost" Review)

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Fill out this form and I’ll personally send you a FREE customized fitness program to help you achieve the head-turning body you’re after as efficiently as possible:

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V-Shred’s Video:

5 Easy Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally (BUILD MORE MUSCLE!)


V-Shred Supplement Review (SculptNation TestBoost)

In today’s video I’m doing a step by step breakdown of V-Shred’s recent video “5 Easy Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally (BUILD MORE MUSCLE!)” where he promotes his poorly formulated, under-dosed and over-priced supplement “TestBoost” from his SculptNation supplement line.

In this V-Shred review I break the ingredient label down in detail and explain what each one does and what the proper doses are, and whether this SculptNation product meets the criteria.
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Supplements I use 💊 as a natural lifter

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Merely a list of what I use -hope this gives you an idea of what you may want to look into on your fitness journey!

#supplements #Bodybuilding #Shorts
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I gave full tour of Supplement store in Canada.This Popeye’s supplement store is located at Dixie and Dundas, Mississauga. In this video I explained which supplements you must buy and which Supplements are waste of money and you don’t need to spend money on them. #bodybuilding #protein #wheyprotein #diet #fatloss #fitness #gymlifeincanada #lifeincanada #gymlife

As we all know that most important Supplement is protein, if you have limited budget then spend money on protein, because our Indian diet lacks in protein. If you have less money then buy whey protein but if you can afford isolate then go for that. I personally use these brands Dymatize, Diesel, and Optimum Nutrition. #muscleblaze #noorkhan #tarungill #saketgokhale #rohitkhatri #yashanand #testosterone #creatine

My top 5 Supplements are (priority wise)
1- Protein
2- Multivitamin
3- Omegas
4- Creatine
5- pre-workout

You Can watch my previous videos here-
Natural bodybuilding competition in Canada-
My diet with macros-
Grocery Shopping-
A day in a life of Canadian gym trainer-
Buying and Unboxing of Apple MacBook Air-
My Earnings in Canada-
Pull Workout|| My gym in Canada –
Bike ride Mississauga to Toronto –
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Inside A Supplement Warehouse (Re-Uploaded)

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Hey guys, in this video I show you supplement warehouse&in this warehouse I show you different types of supplements brands like optimum nutrition, ultimate nutrition and other Indian and imported supplements in wholesale price. If you like this video please subscribe my channel.


Muscle mania
PB-07A, ground floor, pulbangash metro station, roshanpura road, Delhi-110007
Contact:- 8076166422

music use:-
Dizaro – Crazy (Vlog No Copyright Music)

TULE – Fearless [NCS Release]

Everything you see on my videos are created by me{Vansh mahajan } unless other wise stated. Please Don,t use any videos, photos, content without my permission at

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This video are not insult, wound or hurt any religion or the religious sentiments, beliefs or feelings of any persons or class or community. This is created for only providing information for peoples. This video is non-promotional. You need to get proper training & knowledge about business. All products buy on your own risk. This video are not promote any copies or product. This video has created for people information only. This video is only for educational purpose.

Key words:-
Wholesale supplement warehouse, supplement market Delhi, ON whey protein, supplements at cheap price, original supplement wholesale, protein supplement wholesale, muscletech supplements wholesale, imported supplements wholesale, dymatize whey protein wholesale, optimum nutrition supplements wholesale, glutamine wholesale, BCAA supplement wholesale, creatine powder wholesale, Indian brands supplements wholesale, muscle pharma supplements wholesale, supplements in retail, post workout wholesale, pre workout wholesale, ultimate nutrition whey protein, mass gainer wholesale, weight gainer wholesale, soy protein wholesale, multi vitamins wholesale, on fish oil, herbal whey protein wholesale, herbal supplements wholesale, now omega 3 fatty acids wholesale, syntha 6 wholesale, xtend BCAA wholesale, the curse pre workout, amino acids supplements wholesale, fat burner wholesale, on whey protein with bright commodities, wholesale market, supplement store
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Should you take vitamins?

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Make an appointment with Camila Passias, MD:
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Camila Passias, MD is a board-certified primary care doctor at Mount Sinai Doctors, seeing patients Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday in Brooklyn Heights. Trained in Boston and New York City, she is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and a member of the American College of Physicians and the Society of General Internal Medicine. She was awarded her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at NYU School of Medicine. Prior to joining Mount Sinai Doctors, she worked for Gouverneur Health, a community health center affiliated with NYU School of Medicine. During that time, she served as a clinician educator with both residents and medical students. She has a particular interest in women’s health. Dr. Passias is fluent in Spanish.

Mount Sinai Doctors, located at 300 Cadman Plaza West, is a two-floor multispecialty practice with a walk-in urgent care center and more than 35 specialties, including Adolescent Medicine, Allergy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Diabetes Education, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Infectious Disease, Maternal & Fetal Medicine, Nephrology, OBGYN, Ophthalmology, Optometry & Optical Shop, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Travel Medicine, Urology, and Vascular Surgery. The practice is located at 300 Cadman Plaza West, on the 17th and 18th floors, in Brooklyn Heights. You can make appointments online at or via ZocDoc at
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