Welcome to life care ..nebulizer is a compact medical device designed to
efficiently deliver prescribed medication to bronchial lung passages
•This helps in the successful treatment of asthma ,allergies and other
respiratory disorders .

How to use

. Place your compressor Nebulizer on a flat and stable surface . Be sure that
you can easily reach the controls when you are seated
• twist clockwise to disassemble the nebulizer
• fill the bottom section of the nebuliser with the medication, also be sure that
the cone is put inside the bottom section
• gently twist the top part clockwise to reassemble the nebulizer . Be sure the
two sections fit well
• attach one end of the air tube to the base of the nebulizer
• attach the other end to the tube connector located on the front of the
• attach mask on the top section of the nebulizer

• plug the power cord into an appropriate electrical outlet. Make sure at this
stage the power switch is at off ‘status
• press power switch to begin your prescribed treatment
• when treatment is finished shut off the unit and unplug it from the electrical

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