Good Manufacturing Practices – GMP in Pharmaceuticals

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Good Manufacturing Practices - GMP in Pharmaceuticals

Requirements and rules of good manufacturing practices in pharmaceutical manufacturing. As per FDA and other regulatory agencies, it is mandatory to follow the GMP regulations.
#Pharmaguideline provides all pharma information and #pharmaceutical guidelines including information about testing procedures of quality control, calibration, reagents and solutions, glassware and good laboratory practices (GLP), audit checklists of all departments for QA professionals.
It also covers quality assurance topics such as change control, deviations, market complaints, process validation, cleaning validation cGMP and other pharma documentation and guideline. A fresher in the pharma field can get all latest information about GMP guidelines for QA, QC, Production and Microbiology.
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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Student film, Mahindra École Centrale

A New Documentary on Cephalosporin Project featuring world Class facilities for manufacturing Cephalosporin products, A new dimension in The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. It is made for IBN SINA by YOLO.COM. Thanks to them.

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See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday

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Fish oil can be obtained from eating fish or by taking supplements. Fish that are especially rich in the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids includes mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, and seal blubber. Two of the most important omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil are Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

According to research conducted at Harvard University, omega-3 fatty acid deficiency ranked as the sixth highest killer of Americans.

If you don’t eat a lot of oily fish, taking a fish oil supplement could help you get enough omega-3 fatty acids and the amazing health benefits that comes with it.

NOTE: The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.

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What are the benefits of fish oil? This is really miracle product that’ll make us feel and look better on the inside and out. This stuff will transform your body completely! But how? And what’s the right amount to take? If you’re ready for all the answers you need, watch our new video!

Decreased risk of heart disease 1:27
Clearer thinking 2:18
Stronger immunity 3:06
Better stamina 3:54
Improved joint health 4:36
Faster muscle recovery after workouts 5:22
Less stress and a better mood 6:18
Decreased eye pressure 7:00
An additional source of vitamins and minerals 7:47
Smooth radiant skin 8:30
Weight loss 9:31
Bigger breasts 10:16
How exactly you can consume fish oil 10:50

#fishoilbenefits #weightloss


– The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in fish oil decrease the risk of developing heart disease. And that’s because these acids drop the level of triglycerides, which contribute to high blood pressure caused by plaque build-up in the arteries.
– Fish oil is sometimes even prescribed to children with attention disorders, like ADD or ADHD, to help them focus and think clearly!
– Fish oil doesn’t just work on each organ, like your brain or heart, individually; it protects your whole entire system by improving your immunity. It’s all got to do with the polyunsaturated acids contained in omega-3.
– When you take fish oil regularly, your body starts to use the fat during long workouts, saving your glycogen stores for more difficult exercises. This process basically increases the time an athlete can do physical activity.
– Fish oil can be quite effective at relieving and preventing joint pain. Of course, it won’t heal your arthritis completely, but it can stop your joint problems from getting worse.
– Fish oil is great for fighting depression! There’s even research out there suggesting that it can have a positive influence on people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.
– Additional sources of omega-3 acids can prevent eye problems. But don’t think of it as a full-fledged cure; it’s just one of the effective ways to keep your eyes healthy.
– Vitamins A and D will help you get rid of brittle hair and allow your body to better absorb other necessary minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
– Over time, we lose collagen due to aging and constant stress. Luckily, omega-3 acids store collagen, helping your skin stay young and fresh.
– Research conducted at the University of South Australia found that regular consumption of fish oil decreases the appetite and extends that “full” feeling you have in your stomach after eating.
– If you’re looking to increase your cup size, there are some other foods you can try too, like olive oil, dry beans, tofu, and seaweed, to name a few.
– Choose fish oil made from the meat and muscle of the fish; it’ll be way more gentle on your system. As for consumption, the best way to go is to take a supplement while eating or right after.

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A new era for pharmaceuticals: New Commercial Models

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In this video, Strategy& thought leaders explain how pharma companies are responding to commercial model challenges, and how they must adapt their sales and marketing approaches to thrive
in the future.
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Blister Packaging Machine running in pharmaceutical factory in Thailand.
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What Does Omega-3 Fish Oil Do? The Benefits of Antler Farms New Zealand Fish Oil by Thomas DeLauer

supplements No Comments » Why is Omega-3 one of the most important nutrients for our bodies? Thomas Delauer explains what Omega-3 does in our bodies and why Antler Farms Fish Oil is better than the rest.
It’s Thomas DeLauer with Antler Farms. And today we’re talking about Omega-3s and fish oil. We’re talking about what they really do in the body and how you can start sourcing the right kind of Omega-3s and how you can understand what truly is in an Omega-3 product. Because they’re not all created equal.

See, first off I want to talk about the three main reasons that Omega-3s are exceptionally beneficial for your body. And these are things that are going to make you quite happy because they’re things I think all of us want.

Then let’s talk about fish oil, though because it’s not all sustainable and it’s not all equal. In this particular video, I want to talk about the brand Antler Farms and their Omega-3. Okay. Antler Farms has gone above and beyond to source the right kind of sustainable fish that are still going to give us the proper ratio. You see, when it comes down to Omega-3s, there are two different kinds of fats in there. Two different kinds of Omega-3s. We have EPA and we have DHA. EPA is good for modulating inflammation throughout the course of the body. DHA is very, very good for brain health and contributing to that cellular flexibility and the membrane flexibility that we want. We need the right ratio of the two. The problem is most fish oil supplements end up having copious amounts of EPA and very little DHA, when the ideal ratio, in this particular case, is going to be a three to two. Three being EPA and two being DHA. If that ratio’s off, you don’t really have the best quality fish oil supplement. We want that ratio to be dead on.

And that’s exactly why Antler Farms takes care of all their business in New Zealand. You see, New Zealand has extremely strict fish management processes. What this means that it’s the highest quality fish but it’s also going to be the cleanest because New Zealand is such a pristine environment and the waters are so clean, you don’t have nearly as many things like toxins. You don’t have nearly as many heavy metals. You don’t nearly as many PCBs. All these things that are contributing to making a lot of the fish oils out there very, very unhealthy. This is critical and a big reason why Antler Farms’ Omega-3 is such a powerful one.


Antler Farms® is a New Zealand based producer of high quality, natural dietary supplements for sports, health and fitness. Though we are headquartered in the Canterbury region of beautiful New Zealand, we specialize in bringing our products to the North American market through our distribution center in the USA.

We know you have many choices when it comes to supplement brands. We strive for transparency, providing our customers with as much information as possible on our sources, our processes and ingredients so they can take our products with absolute confidence. We are not interested in the one time customer – because they cannot sustain a business long term. That’s why at Antler Farms®, we never cut corners when it comes to delivering the highest quality products to our customers. We know that once you feel the Antler Farms® difference, we will have a customer for life. Our guiding principle is that we would never sell a product that is not the absolute best in its field.

At Antler Farms®, we believe that what you put into your body matters, that factory farmed food products have no place in our diet, and that small companies should strive to make the best products instead of the biggest profits. We thank you for your support.

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Healthcare: is it a right or a luxury? | Tarik Sammour | TEDxAdelaide

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Is healthcare a right or a luxury? The answer each individual gives to that question depends largely on their previous experiences with medical care, and on their geographical background and personal philosophy. It is not as simple as it sounds. But the world is getting smaller, and it is imperative that we develop a shared understanding of what kind of healthcare system works best for society in general, and how to fund this effectively. In this talk, Tarik Sammour challenges the audience to think about these questions and engages them in a passionate debate, while putting his own personal spin on things as all good speakers do! Tarik Sammour is a surgeon at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide, specialising in advanced bowel cancer surgery, patient outcome centred research and robotics. Throughout his training, Tarik has been privileged to work in a wide variety of healthcare systems, from the smallest general hospital in rural New Zealand to one of the largest medical centres in the United States, giving him a unique first-hand insight into what works well for patients and what doesn’t. One of the reasons he eventually chose to settle in Adelaide was because he saw the city’s potential as a leader in healthcare delivery and innovation. With an ageing population and spiralling healthcare costs, he has some ideas to solve problems that are relevant to us all. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

VICE News visited a bunch of doctors in an attempt to make sense of our convoluted health care costs. What do the doctors say is needed to improve overall cost and care? Many of them shared the same solution.

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How to get into Pharmaceutical Sales

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How to get into Pharmaceutical Sales

How to get into pharmaceutical sales!! In this video I am going to share everything I know (or at least can think of) to help you get into the pharmaceutical sales industry. If there is something you feel I missed or want me to explain in more detail comment below!

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Ben Shapiro: Free Market Pharmaceuticals

Not at all related but my nephews soccer team is raising money for equipment
Any Help Would Be Appreciated
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Healthy Eating : How to Get Omega-3 Without Fish Oil

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Omega-3 fatty acids come from more sources than fish oil, including flaxseed and dark, leafy greens. Find out how to use supplemental algae to get omega-3 fatty acids with help from a holistic health counselor in this free video on healthy eating and omega-3 fatty acids.

Expert: Cortney Shallow
Bio: Cortney Shallow is a certified Holistic Health Counselor (HHC) at the Natural Therapies Institute in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Filmmaker: Rendered Communications

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My Career Story, Salary, Pharmaceutical Sales, MBA | Money Mondays

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Check out my latest installment in my money mondays series called “My Career Story.” In this video I will be sharing with you my path to my current role. As well as salary information, pharmaceutical sales background and more! You won’t want to miss this one!

Be sure to subscribe and comment below other ideas for this series! Thank you for watching!

Every Sunday at 4 p.m. & Monday at 5 p.m. (Money Monday’s)



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US Healthcare System Explained

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Ever wondered how the healthcare system in the USA worked? We explain everything in this video!






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