I gave full tour of Supplement store in Canada.This Popeye’s supplement store is located at Dixie and Dundas, Mississauga. In this video I explained which supplements you must buy and which Supplements are waste of money and you don’t need to spend money on them. #bodybuilding #protein #wheyprotein #diet #fatloss #fitness #gymlifeincanada #lifeincanada #gymlife

As we all know that most important Supplement is protein, if you have limited budget then spend money on protein, because our Indian diet lacks in protein. If you have less money then buy whey protein but if you can afford isolate then go for that. I personally use these brands Dymatize, Diesel, and Optimum Nutrition. #muscleblaze #noorkhan #tarungill #saketgokhale #rohitkhatri #yashanand #testosterone #creatine

My top 5 Supplements are (priority wise)
1- Protein
2- Multivitamin
3- Omegas
4- Creatine
5- pre-workout

You Can watch my previous videos here-
Natural bodybuilding competition in Canada- https://youtu.be/tjpYOEvsFXc
My diet with macros- https://youtu.be/Vv0bd7wWYtA
Grocery Shopping- https://youtu.be/1Y54EU80Qso
A day in a life of Canadian gym trainer- https://youtu.be/3SI2EwjIUX4
Buying and Unboxing of Apple MacBook Air- https://youtu.be/NSjfSRp_q64
My Earnings in Canada- https://youtu.be/DucN0Qocp5w
Pull Workout|| My gym in Canada – https://youtu.be/gk5VEI6agQs
Bike ride Mississauga to Toronto – https://youtu.be/A9ERPW9x04A
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