#YantraSalon brings you Safe, Innovative and the most Hygienic experience for your Hair & Beauty services at the most affordable prices.

Yantra’s servicing team is extensively trained to deal with this #NewNormal and are certified by the reputable Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council on Safety, Health & Hygiene norms.
By using Deep Sanitization methods, disposable tools, single use service kits per client, social distancing across the 9000sqft spread out salon, best in industry safety measures & most premium luxury brands, team Yantra is ready to serve you once again!

Thank to our client for believing in us from past 29 years.!

For appointments please call:
Akhaliya Branch: 9899095274
Shastri Nagar Branch: 9829026107

Follow us on Instagram: @yantrasalon for all updates.

Yantra Salon N Spa

#safetywithyantra .
#postlockdown #yantrasalon #staysafe #hope #love #humanity #certified #guidelines #yoursafetyismysafety #safetyfirst #salonnearme #covid19 #salonhygiene #wecare #jodhpur #rajasthan #safeworld #thankyou #thankyougod #loveyou #postivevibes #haircut #wax #waxing #facial #saloninjodhpur #newnormal #hairgoals #skintreatment
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The Fern Residency Jodhpur

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