Archive for the tag: essays

University of Michigan Essays (YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE!!)

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University of Michigan Essays (YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE!!)// University of Michigan essays have it all, and this video is the University of Michigan essays your one stop guide to ace this application. My favorite is the University of Michigan community essay because it asks students to talk about their identity while also defining what community means to them. The UMich community essay can be about pretty much any community you belong to but this University of Michigan essay should focus on your contributions. Umich essays also ask the why us prompts. For these U Michigan supplemental essays, you want to focus on how you see yourself living and learning at their institution. How to write the umich supplemental essays is the guide you will receive in this video. As a college essay coach, I work with students on how to write umich essays, and the umich essay prompts are my favorite because once you write these you can use them to recycle content for so many other schools.

Remember, the Michigan supplemental essays focus on you, who you are to others within community and why Michigan. The University of Michigan also places a lot of emphasis on the common app essay. This essay should be complementary to the why this college essay and community; however, make sure to craft a why us college essay that showcases a little of you and a little of them. Your supplemental essays should really have a lot of research backing them. Michigan supplemental essays and the why umich essay, in particular, is asking students to go beyond the Wolverine brand and tell them why they are the best fit for you. Take your time writing the university of Michigan supplemental essays, and if you want expert guidance reach out to Write Your Acceptance!


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my upenn supplemental essays + advice! | the university of pennsylvania

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hi guys! sorry for the late upload. i just went through a two week i-dont-want-to-do-anything phase so…
anyways, heres a video of me reading my upenn (university of pennsylvania) supplemental essays! i hope it helps all y’all who are thinking of applying soon and best of luck!
feel free to comment down below and questions or video idea that you want me to make because i want to make helpful content for you guys! maybe you can call me your personal fountain of knowledge coming from someone who just went through the whole college applications process lol.

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Reading The Essays That Got Me Into Penn | 2020 Accepted UPenn Supplements + Advice!

I was accepted to MIT, Princeton, UCLA, Penn, USC, Brown, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, the University of Michigan (UMich), Harvey Mudd, Claremont McKenna, the University of Virginia (UVA), UCSD, UCSB, the University of Washington (UW), Northeastern, and Santa Clara.

In this video, I read the essays that got me accepted to the University of Pennsylvania and share some tips on how to write amazing supplemental essays.

Want to learn more about effective college counseling for elite schools? Check out Bullseye Admissions! If you’d like to schedule a free 15-20 min consultation with one of their advisors from Penn, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, and other top schools, head to

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In my next video, I’ll be sharing how I earned a near-perfect score on the SAT and how you can too!

Watch my college decision reactions here:

If you want to know what stats, extracurriculars, classes, and honors helped me gain acceptance to a number of T20 and Ivy League schools, check out

Want amazing essay tips to help you get accepted to top schools? Check out

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