Archive for the tag: Hindi

Ek Baar aujaar pe ghee lgakar karo fayda dekhkar hindi health care healthy lifestyle

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Language for Health aims to develop, integrate, and promote Hindi-Urdu language learning specifically for the healthcare profession. This site provides resources and opportunities to develop communication skills in Hindi-Urdu as it is currently used in the context of healthcare and medicine. Simultaneously, we aim to expand the training of overall language skills at the advanced level in a comprehensive and innovative manner. We have designed and developed a package of educational materials with training and pedagogical guidelines for students entering the field of medicine, as well as for established medical professionals. The learning units presented here are designed with the goal of practicing language at the Advanced and Superior levels.

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वाले मसाले, अनाजों तथा अन्य सामग्री का भंडारण भी सही तरीके से करें तथा एक्सपायरी डेट वाली वस्तुओं पर तारीख देखने का ध्यान रखें।

* बहुत ज्यादा तेल, मसालों से बने, बैक्ड तथा गरिष्ठ भोजन का उपयोग न करें। खाने को सही तापमान पर पकाएं और ज्यादा पकाकर सब्जियों आदि के पौष्टिक तत्व नष्ट न करें। साथ ही ओवन का प्रयोग करते समय तापमान का खास ध्यान रखें। भोज्य पदार्थों को हमेशा ढंककर रखें और ताजा भोजन खाएं।
* खाने में सलाद, दही, दूध, दलिया, हरी सब्जियों, साबुत दाल-अनाज आदि का प्रयोग अवश्य करें। कोशिश करें कि आपकी प्लेट में ‘वैरायटी ऑफ फूड’ शामिल हो। खाना पकाने तथा पीने के लिए साफ पानी का उपयोग करें। सब्जियों तथा फलों को अच्छी तरह धोकर प्रयोग में लाएं।

* खाना पकाने के लिए अनसैचुरेटेड वेजिटेबल ऑइल (जैसे सोयाबीन, सनफ्लॉवर, मक्का या ऑलिव ऑइल) के प्रयोग को प्राथमिकता दें। खाने में शकर तथा नमक दोनों की मात्रा का प्रयोग कम से कम करें। जंकफूड, सॉफ्ट ड्रिंक तथा आर्टिफिशियल शकर से बने ज्यूस आदि का उपयोग न करें। कोशिश करें कि रात का खाना आठ बजे तक हो और यह भोजन हल्का-फुल्का हो।
* अपने विश्राम करने या सोने के कमरे को साफ-सुथरा, हवादार और खुला-खुला रखें। चादरें, तकियों के गिलाफ तथा पर्दों को बदलती रहें तथा मैट्रेस या गद्दों को भी समय-समय पर धूप दिखाकर झटकारें।

* मेडिटेशन, योगा या ध्यान का प्रयोग एकाग्रता बढ़ाने तथा तनाव से दूर रहने के लिए करें।

सम्बंधित जानकारी
ठंडे मौसम का गर्म फैशन
लक्ष्य पूरा होने में अभी समय
ठंड आते ही गराडू की माँग बढ़ी
नहीं चमकी ठंड
लुढ़कने के बजाय बढ़ रहा है तापमान
Video Rating: / 5

If you get sick or suffer a serious injury, you not only want medical care, you want quality medical care. What’s the best way to get it? Through a government-run program like Medicare for All or through our current free market system? Stanford policy expert Lanhee Chen has the answer in this video from Prager University. Get informed. After all, this is your health we’re talking about.
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It’s very easy for a politician to stand up before voters and say, “Health care is a right,” and then passionately advocate for “single-payer” or “free health care” or “Medicare for All”—whatever term they might use.

But before we consider the merits of the government managing your health care—and that’s what this all boils down to—maybe we should ask a more basic question:

What do we mean by “health care”?

Because if you get sick—and here, we’re talking major illness—or you’re in serious pain, you don’t just want health care; you want quality health care.

And where is your best chance of finding that?

The answer is right here in America.

For skilled doctors, cutting-edge medical treatments, and care without long delays, no other country rivals the United States. Not even close. Nobody from Texas is going to Canada for medical treatment. It’s almost always the other way around.

Sure, our health care system has lots of issues—and we should address them—but do we really want to upend all the advantages that we do have and start from scratch? Because that’s what would have to happen if we completely turn health care over to the government.

So, let’s imagine we make the change. We hear a lot about how great free health care would be, but it’s only fair we look at the downside.

The first is that government-run health care takes medical decisions away from patients—that means you—and puts them in the hands of bureaucrats. They decide, for example, how many MRI machines are going to be available, or under what conditions you can get back surgery or a bypass, or even whether you qualify for cancer treatment.

That’s how it works in the United Kingdom under its single-payer system. Because it has finite resources, the National Health Service, or NHS, sharply restricts access to treatments like hip and knee replacements, cataract surgery, and even prescription drugs to deal with common conditions like arthritis and diabetes. If you suffer from any of these ailments and many others in the UK, you may just have to live with the pain.

And let’s hope you don’t have a medical emergency.

In a January 2018 article in the New York Times, patients in emergency rooms around London are described as having “to wait 12 hours before they are tended to. Corridors are jammed with beds carrying [the] frail and elderly.” To deal with the situation, “hospitals [were] ordered to postpone non-urgent surgeries until the end of the month.” That hardly seems like an improvement over what we have in the US.

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Packaging Of Pharmaceuticals |Pharmacy Online Lecture-2 | Pharmaceutics-Ch-2 | In Hindi | हिंदी में

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Hello Friends , here is the next video in the learning pharmacy series….

In this video , we have discussed about Pharmacy Online Lecture | Pharmaceutics-Ch-1 | Dosage Forms Of The Drugs I In Hindi | हिंदी में

We tried to prepare the best content for you so watch the video until the end.

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Topic discussed in the video :-
1-Introduction & Function
2-Types Of Packaging
3-Materials Used In Pharmaceutical Packaging

1-Introduction Of Packaging
Packaging is a science, art & technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale & use.

Pharmaceutical packaging is the economical means of providing protection, identification, information, convenience and stability of the product.

2-Functions / Benefits Of Packaging
Product identification- Packaging greatly helps in identification of the products.

Product protection- Packaging protect the content of the product from spoilage, breakage, leakage.

Facilitate the use of product- Packaging makes product convenient to open, handle and use by the consumer.

Product promotion- Packaging helps in product promotion & attract the attention of the people while purchasing.

3-Types Of Packaging
Primary Packaging
Is the material that first envelops the product and hold it.

Secondary Packaging
Is outside the primary packaging, used to group primary package together.

Tertiary Packaging
Is used for bulk handling & shipping.

4-Material used in Packaging

A-Glass As Packaging Material
They are transparent
Easily labelled
Have good protection power
Available in variety of shapes & sizes.

Glass is fragile so easily broken
Release alkali to preparation

Composition Of Glass
*Silicon di-oxide/ Sand Sio2 72%
*Sodium Oxide(Na2O) From Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 (soda ash) 13%
*Calcium Oxide/Lime CaO 12%
*Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 2%
*Minors 1%

b-Plastic As Packaging Material
Plastics are group of substance of natural or synthetic origin, consisting chiefly of the polymers of high molecular weight that can be molded into a shape by means of heat & pressure.

Less weight than glass
Variety of shape & size
Resistant to breakage
Chemically inert, safe in use
Absorption permeability to moisture
Poor printing property
Types Of Plastics
Thermoplastic Type
On heating, become soften to viscous fluid which harden again on cooling.

Examples- Polypropylene, polystyrene, cellulose acetate, PTFE (Teflon), nylon, polyketone, etc.

Thermosetting Type
On heating, irreversibly to become hard at high temperature and remain in a permanent solid state once hardened.

Examples- epoxy resin, melamine formaldehyde, polyester resin and urea formaldehyde.

Metal As Packaging Material
Metals are used for preparation of containers. The metals commonly used are aluminum, tin plated steel, stainless steel, tin and lead.
Impermeable to light, moisture & gas
Rigid & Unbreakable
Light in weight than glass Container
Label can be printed directly Onto the surface

May react with certain chemicals

Rubber As Packaging Material
Rubber is mainly used for construction of closures for vials, transfusion fluid bottles, dropping bottles and for many other type of products.
Types Of Rubbers
Butyl Rubber
Nitrile Rubber
Neoprene Rubber
Silicon Rubber

Paper And Cardboards
Paper & Cardboards are suitable for small scale and bulk packaging, also suitable for all kinds of food packaging.
Light weight
Less expensive & Easily available
Cardboard cartons have high shock resistant capacity

May cause damage on transportation without external barriers
Most paper packs are not reusable




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Background music of the video –
Dream Culture by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Video Rating: / 5

Call the Helios Legal Group’s prescription (pharmaceutical) drugs lawsuit hotline 24/7 at (888) 572-1622 for a free, no obligation consultation. We are here to help! If you are looking for a lawyer or attorney for a prescription drugs case or legal claim, please call us right now. We can help get you the settlement that you deserve!

Helios Legal Group Channel

Prescription (Pharmaceutical) Drugs Video Prescription (Pharmaceutical) Drugs Page

Prescription (Pharmaceutical) Drugs Summary – The use of many common prescription drugs can result in serious injuries and liability for the parties involved. When dealing with a prescription drug incident, it may be necessary to get a lawyer or attorney involved. It may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the person who caused the incident or injuries. If you have a prescription drug issue, you may have a legal case or legal claim that can result in a settlement for monetary damages. The law is on your side, but there are time limits that govern how long you have to file a claim, and other restrictions. You need to consult a lawyer or attorney so that they can decide the merits of your legal case. Abilify, Acetaminophen, Actos, Anti Depressants, Fosomax, Granuflo, Naturalyte, Risperdal, SSRI’s, Taxotere, Viberzi, and Zofran are some of the common prescription drugs, medications, and pharmaceuticals that cause many of the issues noted above.

Prescription (Pharmaceutical) Drugs Transcript – Have you or a loved one taken a prescription drug and suffered a serious injury, side effect, or even death? There are many prescription drugs on the market that can cause serious injuries, even when taken correctly. Heart attacks, strokes, hemorrhaging, aneurysms, and internal bleeding are just some of the things that can happen from taking common prescription drugs. If you have taken any prescription drug and were injured, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Don’t be a victim. Get the help you deserve. As always, don’t stop taking any medication before consulting your doctor, but you need to be aware of your legal options. The intake specialists at the Helios Legal Group can answer any questions you may have. Call our dangerous drug hotline for a free, no obligation consultation right now!

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St. Louis, MO 63109
(888) 572-1622